Ghostwriter’s Styles

You can configure many variables for a style in a Word document. In some cases, Ghostwriter must apply styles for you (ex: formatting text evidence in a finding). You can refine these styles by creating and editing these styles in your templates.

Customizing the Styles

These styles are called by name:

Style NameDescription
CodeBlockStyle text evidence and anything in the WYSIWYG editor’s code editor (must be a Paragraph style type).
CodeInlineStyle runs of text formatted as code in the WYSIWYG editor (must be a Character style type).
Number ListStyle numbered (ordered) lists.
Bullet ListStyle bulleted (unordered) lists.
CaptionBuilt-in style used for captions below evidence and lines preceded by the {{.caption}} expression.
List ParagraphBuilt-in base style used for bulleted and numbered lists; the fallback built-in style if your template lacks customized styles.
BlockQuoteStyle used for block quotes.
Table GridBuilt-in style used for tables.

Note on List Styles

You can choose not to create these list styles, but lists will probably not look right in your document. Word’s built-in styles (e.g., List Paragraph) do not apply the proper/expected indentation. This leads to problems during later editing.

When you create a list in Word, the application applies List Paragraph and additional styling depending on your selection (numbered or bulleted). The style will appear as List Paragraph,DAI2 or similar.

This style does not exist in your template until you use it once, so Ghostwriter can’t default to using it. (See below.)

Create a numbered list, open the styles tab, and save the style as a new style named Numbered List. Repeat this for bulleted lists.

Feel free to modify the indentation for nested list items and any other style variables before you save your new style.

Note on Built-in Styles

Word offers many, many built-in styles you might expect to be available to Ghostwriter; however, these styles only exist in the Word application. Word will only add a style to your template’s styles.xml when you use it to keep file size down.

This means a style like Caption will not exist in your template until you’ve applied it or created it yourself.

To add one of the built-in styles to your template, apply it once and save your document. You can undo the style. The important thing is the style appears under the In current document list in the Styles Pane.