Recording Cloud Server Deployments

Recording cloud server deployments in Ghostwriter with GraphQL

You may have a tool, platform, or script that deploys servers for you. You can automatically record these deployments under your Ghostwriter project with a GraphQL query like this:

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Union, 

def record_server(
    activity_type_id: int,
    ip: str,
    name: str,
    project_id: int,
    role_id: int,
    provider_id: int,
) -> str:

    track_server_mutation = gql(
        mutation InsertCloudServer($activityTypeId: bigint, $auxAddress: [inet], $ipAddress: inet, $name: String, $note: String, $projectId: bigint, $serverRoleId: bigint, $serverProviderId: bigint) {
            insert_cloudServer_one(object: { activityTypeId: $activityTypeId, auxAddress: $auxAddress, ipAddress: $ipAddress, name: $name, note: $note, projectId: $projectId, serverRoleId: $serverRoleId, serverProviderId: $serverProviderId }) {

    variables: dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {
        "activityTypeId": activity_type_id,
        "auxAddress": f"{{{ip}}}",
        "ipAddress": ip,
        "name": name,
        "note": f"Deployed at {datetime.utcnow().strftime('%F %H:%M:%S')} UTC",
        "projectId": project_id,
        "serverRoleId": role_id,
        "serverProviderId": provider_id,

    res = authenticated_client.execute(track_server_mutation, variable_values=variables)
    return res

To get the correct ID values for activity, role, and provider, you can map those in your script or pull them at run-time using a GraphQL query. The easiest option is mapping the values, which are unlikely to change.

# Map values to IDs
ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID_MAP: dict[str, int] = {
    "C2": 1,
    "Phishing": 2,

PROVIDER_ID_MAP: dict[str, int] = {
    "AWS": 1,
    "Azure": 2,
    "Digital Ocean": 3,
    "Google Compute Engine": 4,
    "Linode": 5,
    "Rackspace": 6,

ROLE_ID_MAP: dict[str, int] = {
    "C2": 1,
    "Redirector": 2,
    "Payload Hosting": 3,
    "SMTP": 4,
    "Burner Workstation": 5,

# Use the mapped values for the arguments
ghostwriter_response: dict[str, Any] = record_server(
    activity_type_id=ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID_MAP.get("C2", 1),
    role_id=ROLE_ID_MAP.get("C2", 1),
    provider_id=PROVIDER_ID_MAP.get("AWS", 1),

Last updated