PowerPoint Deck Customization

Customizing PowerPoint slide deck generation

Getting Started with PowerPoint

Ghostwriter uses template documents and the Jinja2 template language (https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/) to give you as much control over document generation as possible.

Learn more about managing report templates here:

You will need to upload at least one PowerPoint slide deck to use as a template. Once you have a template you can pick from, open your report and select the template from the dropdown menu under the Generate Reports section. You should see a notification when the template selection is saved. You can then click the PowerPoint icon to generate a report.

Depending on the size of your report and template, rendering can take a few seconds. Once the report is done, your browser will download a new PowerPoint document.

The default filename will be: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_CLIENT-NAME_ASESSMENT-TYPE.pptx

PowerPoint Templates

There are fewer customization options for PowerPoint than Word. Your template slide deck controls how the generated slide deck looks, but the content will always be the same.

The PowerPoint template should be empty – i.e., should contain zero slides. Edit the master slides to control colors, layout, slide numbers, and other details.

To open your slide master view in PowerPoint: View » Slide Master

Ghostwriter will add slides to your chosen template slide deck. The new slides include placeholders and dynamic project information.

Each slide is set to fit text to the size of the text field. This auto-resizing happens in PowerPoint's rendering engine, so a slide's text might extend beyond the slide's lower boundary when you open your new presentation.

PowerPoint should activate auto-resizing when you save the presentation or edit any text.

  • Title Slide

    • Includes your configured company name, selected project type, and client name

  • Agenda Slide

    • Placeholder for you to enter a meeting agenda

  • Introduction Slide

    • Placeholder for any presenter introductions

  • Methodology Slide

    • Placeholder for reviewing testing methodology

  • Attack Path Overview Slide

    • Placeholder for where you might discuss assessment narratives

  • Findings Overview Slide

    • Includes a two-column table showing all findings (full title and severity)

  • Findings Slides

    • One slide per finding that includes:

      • Finding title as the slide title

      • All image evidence files as inserted images

      • All text evidence files as new text blocks 9styled with a fixed-width font)

      • Finding description as main slide content

      • All other finding information in the slide's notes field

  • Observations Slide

    • Placeholder for any additional observations

  • Recommendations Slide

    • Placeholder for any recommendations

  • Conclusion Slide

    • Placeholder for closing statements or next steps

  • Final Slide

    • Closing title slide that includes your configured company name, social media account, and email address

Last updated