How to check for updates and what to do when one is available

Checking for Updates

You can check for updates with Ghostwriter CLI and the update command. The output will look something like this:

Checking for Updates
$ ./ghostwriter-cli update

Local Ghostwriter Version	Ghostwriter v3.0.5 ( 23 September 2022 )
Latest Stable Release		Ghostwriter v3.0.5 ( 23 September 2022 )

The command will take a moment to run as Ghostwriter CLI requests the latest release number from GitHub. The latest version number will not be displayed if you do not have a network connection.

If your version number and release date are older than the reported latest release, you may want to update. Check the Ghostwriter CHANGELOG to see what has changed to determine if now is the right time to update for you.

Installing Updates

Updating Ghostwriter is as easy as pulling the latest code and building the updated containers. Your data will be unaffected by the build process.

Updates are generally straightforward, but you should strongly consider taking a snapshot of your host server if anything goes wrong. There is always a chance something like a Python library may not install correctly, and you don’t have the time to address it on the spot. You will thank yourself if you can restore a snapshot and try again later.

To perform an update:

Updating Ghostwriter
git pull
./ghostwriter-cli containers down
./ghostwriter-cli containers build
./ghostwriter-cli containers up

These commands pull the latest code, stop any running production containers, build the new containers, and then bring Ghostwriter back online.